One Moto Emotion in Motion Fri, 07 Jan 2022 06:50:28 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 One Moto 32 32 Sustainable last-mile delivery. NOW available in the UAE Sun, 08 Dec 2019 06:00:00 +0000 Reduce your fleet delivery costs.

With last-mile delivery becoming even more mainstream, how do we reduce your footprint in carbon emissions, increase your service operations without increasing your overheads? Is a sustainable last-mile delivery solution available in the UAE? A great question, answered and solved with the ONE MOTO Electric Vehicle Deliva Mobicool 3.0.

There are many who guarantee a service offering, yet few will offer a guarantee. ONE MOTO aren’t shying away from their promise.

We’ve run our calculations and want to share these with you, to help encourage your decision to switch to electric – the benefits are vast, but don’t take our word for it, let’s run the financials.

Let’s take a commonly used delivery vehicle like the Toyota Hiace 2021 model:

Retail: AED 89,000

Fuel per year: AED 23,600

Servicing per year: AED 4,000

Downtime for servicing/refuelling: AED 12,000

Vehicle Conversion: AED 68,000

TOTAL cost of ownership and operation for one year: AED 196,860

This is for one new vehicle for just one year.

Then consider the operation costs for the following years (you’ll be able to calculate these accurately for your business).

Then consider the harm to the environment, CO2, NOx, hydro-carbons, noise pollution. How do we put a price on this? We’ll revisit this with researched statistics.

The cost of ownership and operation of a Deliva Mobicool 3.0 from ONE MOTO:

Retail: AED 104,571

Fuel per year: AED 0

Servicing per year: AED 0

Downtime for servicing/refuelling: AED 0

Vehicle Conversion: AED 0

TOTAL cost of ownership and operation for one year: AED 104,571

Allowing you to double your fleet for almost half the investment.

By offsetting your Sustainable Mandate with an effective sustainable last-mile delivery option, we are able to make a dramatic difference.

Deliva Mobicool 3.0. Flatbed, Pick Up or Grocery

How do we keep our prices so low?

Another great question. The answer: By reducing our overheads, from showrooms to materials – our vehicles are made from hardened recycled materials and the decision to not invest in real estate allows ONE MOTO to pass on these savings to our customers.

Do I need an additional charging station?

Yes. We supply our vehicles with their own charging station. Creating a great convenience for your fleet operations and ensuring the decision to switch is even easier, there are lots more benefits too, which we can discuss in person, or click through our recent articles.

How do you order your 2022 Deliva Mobicool 3.0?

We have made it available online at these ‘fully-brandable’ trucks are also available as a flatbed or pick up and are complete with AC, for full specs, please download the spec sheet

If you would like to offset your transition from a ‘fuel’ fleet to electric, we can also help here too. ONE MOTO have partnered with they will assess and offer a Operational Effectiveness solution for your current fleet, and with the savings allow you to transition a lot quicker than you would think and potentially allow you to do so without any additional investment, for more information, please contact Nicholas Brooks, CEO Zaeto, mention ONE MOTO and his team will advise you on the options available.

If you would like to discuss the finer details of this solution, and to get our signature to our above promise, please contact us.

Thank you for reading.
