One Moto Emotion in Motion Fri, 25 Nov 2022 02:15:02 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 One Moto 32 32 ONE MOTO UK, to decarbonise the UKs last-mile with £123,000,000 financing. Wed, 09 Nov 2022 05:31:00 +0000 ONE MOTO an impact-driven, multi-award-winning EV player who are building a HardTech meets FinTech EV ecosystem with presence across five continents, specialising in last mile electric vehicles for commercial and private use have secured a capitalisation of £123,000,000 to finance vehicles across the UK to pioneer the decarbonisation of the UKs last-mile, delivery and gig economy industry.

Signing an unprecedented deal with a leading financier in London, ONE MOTO are offering finance to fleet operators to expand an electric delivery fleet from just £3 per day.

“This is monumental in our expansion road map pan-Europe. With the support of the finance deal we’re expecting to deploy up to 30,000 across the UK in H1 2023. This harnesses our conversations with UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) to open the first European assembly plant.

With 12 months of conversations supporting this announcement, ONE MOTO are supporting leading last-mile food delivery platforms, independent outlets and enhancing the rider welfare through data-rich AI to optimise routes, zones and pay.” States Adam Ridgway, CEO, ONE MOTO Technologies.

“The ecosystem foundations to decarbonise the UKs delivery network are set. We’ve spoken to many leading delivery operators who needed a cost-effective, sustainable option and after many trials we’ve secured roll out plans with several leaders. Replacing a traditional petrol fleet shouldn’t happen overnight, to be highly effective it requires operational management to transition. Yet, it’s not just about the vehicles it’s the ancillary services to capture market dominance. Battery As A Service, supporting battery swaps allowing riders to work undisturbed by downtime, the SaaS FinTech solution, ensures a data rich AI backed cloud system to optimise fleet and rider management. We’ve taken our time to capture and analyse the data and demonstrate the vast economical and environmental savings.” says Mark Harman Director, ONE MOTO

What does this mean for the UK environment?

63,000 petrol motorcycles produce 168,818 tonnes of CO2 each year (as well as other harmful pollutants).

A visual of what 1 tonne of CO2 looks like:

Image courtesy of american university sharjah

63,000 petrol motorcycles produce 168,818 tonnes of CO2 each year (as well as other harmful pollutants).

A visual of what 1 tonne of CO2 looks like

– Killing over 198,000 acres of forest each year

– That’s 808km2

– Or four times the size of Paris!

Adam Ridgway, CEO, ONE MOTO Technologies based in Dubai, have one vision “to electrify all last-mile vehicles in the UK by 2026”. Following the UK government’s agenda and commitments we will ensure the world realises, the UK government are supported taking the necessary action to bring change.

What’s next for the partnership?

Both teams will be working to confirm contracts for the 44,500 vehicles in discussion and driving awareness of the benefits, increasing their online and offline distribution channels. Early movers will always have the advantage, but the ‘decision’ to make the commitment first isn’t always forthcoming when considering the environment, yet. However, all operators are looking at the commercial viability and when backed up with big data. We’ve proven a faster path to profitability.

ONE MOTO Technologies Headquartered in London, UK. With a global HQ in DIFC, Dubai, UAE launched in December 2019 in the UAE, expanding into 21 territories in 2021, with another eight countries in discussion, are delighted to be joining forces with a globally respected brand like AVIS and are also in deep conversations to build the UAEs first EV manufacturing facility, breaking ground Q4 2022. Ridgway continues, “Currently the UAE isn’t known for manufacturing and export, and amidst the recent announcement of Operation $300bn and the drive to create international export through manufacturing and production — crucial to the growth of any economy — and with the like-minded public and private sector collaborations, we’re able to make it happen. The UAE and our leaders have created this opportunity and we’re here to ensure that change happens.

Following yesterday’s announcement at ADIPEC 2022, Her Excellency Sarah AlAmiri confirmed ONE MOTO is one of the first 13 projects supported by the Ministry of Industry of Advanced Technonolgy (MOIAT) “At the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, we have a clear roadmap for the next 10 years. It is a decade in which the UAE will further enhance its position as a global hub for science, technology, and innovation, in line with our leadership’s vision. Our partners are key to this journey and we are committed to exploring collaborations with all companies that seek to join the UAE in its bold technological and industrial transformation.” The initiative was announced in October by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai (

CONTACT leasing@one-moto-com

Every ONE MOTO vehicle is pre-built with a complete telematics and fleet management software solution, with a FinTech offering. Allowing riders and owners to optimise routes through AI, increase the safety and welfare of riders and ensure our customers sustainable values are met at all times.


A global EV manufacturer and focused on the last-mile sector.

2020 saw ONE MOTO UAE win five awards, including; UAE Sustainable Business of the Year.

Leading the global market with the performance and specs of their vehicles and technology advances. With a vision of 100 cities by 2025, 1 million vehicles sold, and 1 billion tonnes of CO2 omitted plus delivering investment back into this world we live, bringing change (not waiting for it to happen), and leaving this planet in a slightly better condition than we currently live in. We can’t change the past, however the future?!

With operations in UAE, UK, Australia, India, Sri Lanka and the LatAm, and international sales beyond that, ONE MOTO are on an aggressive expansion plan to make a difference and dominate the sector they operate.

One Moto drives a new wave of sustainability in Dubai Sat, 01 Oct 2022 09:24:00 +0000 Innovative electric vehicle startup becomes the first company in Dubai to pledge to measure and improve sustainability using FuturePlus.

FuturePlus is the revolutionary new tool for sustainability measurement and management.

ONE MOTO’s CEO will champion FuturePlus across Dubai and the UAE to support and encourage others.

Launched in the UAE, UK and India, One Moto designs and develops electric motorcycles, bikes, vehicles and scooters for inner-city commuters and the delivery community. The company’s CEO and FuturePlus champion, Adam Ridgway, has pledged to showcase ONE MOTO’s journey towards creating a more equitable and sustainable world.

The global ONE MOTO team are incredibly proud to announce the report (to date) that we positively impact 15 of the 17 UN SDGs.

Expanding into global markets, One Moto has been working closely with FuturePlus to clearly define its sustainability ambitions and turn them into positive actions that can be easily understood and shared with organisations across the UAE and beyond.

Mike Penrose, CoFounder of FuturePlus, said, “Helping One Moto in their mission to change the way people travel and goods are delivered is an amazing challenge for all of us at FuturePlus. Having spent years in cities where mopeds are the main form of transport, I have no doubt that the transport revolution One Moto is championing will have an enormous impact on reducing emissions and improving the health of millions. We are thrilled to be working with Adam, and his team at OneMoto as FuturePlus is the perfect tool for them to define, measure, manage and share their sustainability goals and achievements. ”

One Moto is fully supported by FuturePlus in mapping out its sustainability strategy and will measure and manage its ambitious goals across five sustainability themes: Environment, Climate, Social and Economic Impact and Diversity and Inclusion.

Adam Ridgway wants to share ONE MOTO’s progress against each of these themes with his investors, customers and supporters, and showcase how FuturePlus can empower every organisation, no matter how large or small, with an accessible, achievable, and affordable entry to understanding and communicating their sustainability goals.

Ridgway believes “an honest and transparent demonstration of what just one business can achieve is key to encouraging other organisations to play their part in securing a more sustainable future“.

For ONE MOTO, sustainability is an ongoing process that brings adaptability and resilience and improves profitability. Actively committed to ensuring their business ventures create positive social and environmental impact, the company is now inviting all organisations to join them on the FuturePlus platform.

A spokesperson for ONE MOTO wanted to share their progress so far, “Sustainability is a mindset and a journey, they all take one step and here’s ours honouring ONE PLEDGE:

Ridgway said, “Being invited to become a FuturePlus Champion in the Middle East is an incredible honour. I’ve been a sustainabilist for several years and trying to navigate ways of improving my impact on the environment, and people was a lonely journey. Over the years, I set a personal mandate “to bring change” in every aspect of my life, and I’ve been pioneering sustainable mobility with ONE MOTO, a brand built of five values and several audacious goals. Before taking the leap away from my ‘past life’ in the media, I asked myself a question, “do I want to be doing this for the next decade?” And as I was becoming a father for the first time, I decided I wanted to commit to my mandate and make a difference.

Ensuring our customers have accessibility to transport is a major factor in our growth map. We have several ESG and CSR initiatives scheduled to ensure we can commit to this in ‘income-weak’ territories. As part of our journey and one of our values of affordability, EVs are traditionally known for having a high-ticket price (justified by the tech investment required). Yet, we’ve foregone this to ensure our vehicles, brand, values, and the problems we address are affordable, aspirational, and achievable.

As of today, 90% of our business focus is driven to the commercial EV market with delivery motorcycles and vans, and the environmental impact petrol motorcycles have on the environment is staggering and overlooked by many. We actively share wisdom and encourage customers to make a choice, and it’s theirs to define if it’s the right one.”

For more information visit –


Multi-award winning EV manufacturer, producing the highest performing transport for the delivery and last-mile industry. ONE MOTO was born from a need to bring change, identifying three critical issues; Environment, Profitability of the industry and the safety and welfare of riders/drivers. As our vehicles are data-driven, they are considered a “smartphone on wheels”. ONE MOTO, a brand built on five core values; Sustainability, Experience, Affordability, Convenience and Technology.

We have a global vision to bring change, join our journey (don’t follow it):

LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Twitter


ONE Team |

About FuturePlus

FuturePlus is a revolutionary platform that allows any organisation, particularly SMEs, to understand, measure, manage and report their sustainability. We measure across five sustainability themes, Environment, Climate, Social and Economic Impact and Diversity and Inclusion. This simple tool provides a verified sustainability score showing your current standing and gives an ambition score based on where you want to be in three years. Our FuturePlus advisors provide ongoing support to help organisations meet their goals. A bespoke three-year sustainability roadmap is created wholly aligned with your business model. FuturePlus aims to make sustainability accessible, achievable and affordable for everyone.

ONE MOTO and RIT Dubai launch the UAEs first Smart Mobility and Innovation Centre Mon, 25 Jul 2022 05:50:00 +0000 Partnership aims to revolutionise last-mile transportation

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Dubai has joined forces with sustainable vehicle company, ONE MOTO, to develop a range of three innovative electric motorcycles that will transform last-mile transportation. The project will be conducted in the first-of-its-kind Smart Mobility and Innovation Centre, which will act as an iconic pillar of innovation within the region.

The ground-breaking project aims to expand the use of electric motorcycles in the delivery and logistics industry, to help achieve the UAE Net Zero 2050 strategy. The new partnership will see Engineering faculty and students collaborate on the research, design, fabrication and testing for the new electric vehicles.

The agreement between the two organisations was formalised with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between RIT Dubai President, Dr. Yousef Al-Assaf and One Moto Founder and CEO, Mr. Adam Ridgway. Dr. Al-Assaf remarked, “Sustainability is one of the pillars on which RIT’s new campus was built. It is interwoven in our brand identity, and we are therefore committed to working on environmentally friendly projects that support the overall vision of this country. Our partnership with ONE MOTO represents how education and industry can collaborate to achieve the goals of the UAE.”

The new project builds on a range of ongoing initiatives led by RIT Dubai to support the goals of the UAE 2050 environment strategy. The University’s Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Center is already working on research projects with leading international companies and universities to explore the geothermal coupling of refrigeration systems, the creation of bio-fuels from palm waste, and the use of water from air harvesting.

Dr Ghalib Kahwaji, Chair of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Principal Investigator of the Geothermal Coupling of Refrigeration Systems research, and lead for the Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Center, is among the RIT Dubai faculty involved in this latest initiative. He said, “The One Moto project is at the core of the sustainability research track at RIT. It will revolutionise the application of electric motorcycles in the delivery and logistics industry in the UAE and the region.”

He continued, “By helping to minimise the dependence on fossil fuels and reduce the carbon footprint of the country, it will speed up the progress towards net zero energy and pollution goals. This project will also serve as an excellent opportunity for industrial and entrepreneurial training for the students, readying them for the future job market.”

An ambitious pioneer in the electric transportation market, ONE MOTO is planning the development of three new vehicles, alongside swappable battery banks, using industry-changing innovation and hyper-modular designs and applications. The company applies the principles of environmental sustainability and driver safety in the development of its vehicles, using recycled materials and data capture technology.

Watch video

Speaking about the new collaboration, Mr. Ridgway said, “This country has been built on the belief that everything is possible and it’s clear the team at RIT share this sentiment. We are delighted to unite expertise to ensure we are collectively redesigning the way we move, from a position of sustainability, efficiency, data-driven wisdom and to ensure we embed our technology and innovation within the DNA of the UAE Government’s green initiatives. United we will demonstrate the UAE action before COP28 and work towards our mission, to electrify all last-mile vehicles in the UAE by 2024.”

The new, iconic and industry changing electric motorcycles are expected to be adopted by individual commuters as well as last-mile delivery and logistics companies and are anticipated to go to market in the fourth quarter of 2022.

About RIT Dubai

Established in 2008, RIT Dubai is a not-for-profit global campus of the esteemed Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, one of the world’s leading technological-focused universities with a storied 185 year history. Entering its next stage of growth in the region, RIT Dubai is now operating from phase one of its new $136 million state-of-the-art campus development, which will provide interactive learning space set over 129,000 square meters.

RIT Dubai offers highly valued Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in business and leadership, engineering, and computing. The curriculum provides students with relevant work experience through an innovative cooperative education program that helps students stand out in today’s highly competitive job market. RIT Dubai offers American degrees, and all of RIT’s programs are UAE Ministry accredited. Students of RIT Dubai also have the unique opportunity to choose to study abroad at the main campus in New York or at one of its other global campuses.


ONE MOTO is a multi-award winning, fintech meets hardtech, electric vehicle manufacturer, producing the highest performing transport for the delivery and last-mile industry. ONE MOTO was born from a need to bring change, recognising three critical issues; environment, profitability of the industry; and the safety and welfare of riders/drivers. As data-driven vehicles, ONE MOTO products are considered a “smartphone on wheels”. The ONE MOTO brand is built on five core values; Sustainability, Experience, Affordability, Convenience and Technology.

Putting a positive end to delivery rider suffering and the industry will benefit. Mon, 16 May 2022 07:55:00 +0000 UAE electric mobility company ONE MOTO who have a clear focus on the last-mile sector and have been offering solutions to the delivery sector internationally, reaching out to help put an end to the delivery rider suffering, increasing the profitability of all stakeholders by offering a positive solution to the growing problem. 

Delivery companies in the UAE are once again facing scrutiny and this time with two ‘unofficial’ strikes in as many weeks. This uprising from the gig economy operating here is the final straw and potential catalyst to bring change, we are not suggesting this is the right approach in the UAE, however, the problem has escalated to a climax and change is imminent.

Following the strike by Talabat riders earlier this week, we heard from 3rd Party Logistics (3PL) customers of ONE MOTO that when some of the riders entered an eatery to collect their order, the riders tyres were being deflated by other riders, to encourage the unity of the strike they had committed to. This is not the right approach, yet not uncommon.

Over the years we’ve been speaking to various stakeholders of the industry operators, outlets, 3PL, government and riders, we are in an informed position to offer a solution, but it will take commitment – navigating the complexities of various aggregators operations is a difficult task.

riders delivering faster and delivering hotter than the food.

First though we should pre-frame the problems from the six stakeholders:

Riders – long hours, high working pressure, inconsistent and low pay, safety, additional fees, rising fuel costs, mental health and health related issues on their body (neck, back and wrist pains).

Aggregators – sector competition, multiple suppliers, commissions pressure, performance metrics, service quality, customer expectations, increasing market share, reducing delivery times and the associated costs of delivery.

3PL – rider uptime, pay, delivery efficiency, cost reduction, visas, insurance, volume demand cycles and the HR that surrounds the manpower.

Restaurant Operators – Contested high commissions, low and inconsistent service quality, customers complaints, delivery quality and times, low profit margins and of course dark kitchen competition. 

Government – Public pressure to review private sector policies, increasing safety, no or fragmented data to make informed decisions, high accident rates, speed restrictions and monitoring compliance of imposed new regulations.

Public/Customers – vast choice of options, fast delivery time expectations, ease of ordering, higher disposable income, delivery ordering habits, lack of awareness of the last-mile industry.

To tackle these issues independently would void a positive outcome, yet demonstrating how interconnected the solutions are, becomes a lightbulb moment – with a few more benefits hidden within, we’ll explain.


The solutions we are seeking:

Rider welfare – increasing pay, with globally paritable working hours, reducing working pressure, with favourable pay, needing to feel safe, heard, respected, not paying ancillary fuel costs or repayment of health insurance, visas. Above all else, respected for the job and service they offer.

Aggregators – provide a great and consistent service to customers, increasing market share upon reputation and optimising delivery times and costs.

3PL – providing riders and vehicles to increase the size of the fleets and market share whilst reducing costs.

Restaurant Operators – Reduced or capped commissions, a better delivery service than if provided in-house and a regulated delivery sector. 

Government – Intelligent and factual data to make decisions, reducing road accident numbers and monitoring compliance new regulations.

Public/Customers – options, fast delivery times.

To build a solution for the industry has taken the ONE MOTO team several years of research, customer data, government insights and building solid relations with operators and riders.

“It’s a tremendous shame this unrest has availed itself. The decision by some brave individuals has resulted in a collective voice to bring change. It was inevitable. The voice of the delivery sector becomes a choir with all the stakeholders involved, there is a place for everyone to play a positive role and a positive recalibration is due.”

Adam Ridgway, CEO, ONE MOTO

The solution as mentioned isn’t as clear cut and immediate but could be within as little as 60 days. Addressing the issues head on, here’s how:


  • Eliminate fuel costs and reduce downtime
  • No delivery volume bonus’ 
  • Fixed salaries


  • Use marketing strength to drive sales and only offer delivery
  • Own the vehicles (assets)
  • Lease-to-own back to the riders
  • Reduce 3PL dependency
  • Increase bottom line profits
  • Source from reputable manpower companies


  • Lease-to-own back to the riders
  • Offer visas, healthcare, insurance without rider repayment
  • Switch to an electric vehicle fleet – reducing costs further
  • Customer pay a higher fixed fee per delivery

Restaurant operators 

  • Consider owning and operating your own fleet
  • Use aggregators to drive sales, but not fulfil deliveries
  • Leveraging the dependency and allowing a negotiated commission structure


  • Mandate telemetry which offers the required data for policy revisions.
  • Incentivise an electric delivery fleet
  • Regulate 3PL operators supplying the market


  • Stop considering 10-15 minute deliveries. 
  • Tell the delivery companies “it’s OK if I wait an extra few minutes, I want the riders to get here safely. You don’t need to market such short delivery times. I choose you because I like you.”
delivery riders work harder than most of us, yet their fundamental needs aren’t heard.

How are these solutions possible and why haven’t they been implemented already?

It is a result of the surge in the delivery wants from customers, a market opportunity and offering a solution from an identified problem, and these opportunities saw a boom in the last-mile sector. If a business is built on responding to need, the consideration of evolution naturally wouldn’t be there. However, we are all able as stakeholders to navigate a different approach.

“Are we failing as a human race if we ‘demand’ 10 minute deliveries? Do we really need them. Facing the issues, is this truly convenient?.” 

Adam Ridgway, CEO, ONE MOTO.

Here is a proposed solution:

Operating an electric delivery fleet helps address many of the above-mentioned problems, I’ll demonstrate below.

Switching to an EV fleet


  • No fuel costs = additional AED 650 per month 
  • Bonus’ based on safe riding and green kms travelled 


  • Own the vehicles (assets) = CapEx repayment in 3-4 months
  • Lease-to-own back to the riders = offering increased value to riders
  • Lease direct from the EV manufacturer 
  • Optimised route planning and data through built in telemetry


  • Own or Lease EVs reduces OpEx by up to 74%
  • Minimal servicing and maintenance
  • Less health issues (due to better ergonomics)
  • Drastically reduced fatalities and accidents


  • Managed operational costs (if purchasing the EV fleet)
  • ROI on vehicles in 5-7 months (based on delivery radius)
  • Match the sustainable values of your customers


  • Collect real-time accurate data through pre-installed telemetry.
  • Enhance and action towards the UAEs green agenda
  • Positively reward the sustainable uptake of riders and companies


  • You will receive your deliveries sustainably.
  • You’ll know the riders are safer and healthier.
  • You may even see a reduced cost of delivery (encouraging you to tip more)

In all the above I opted to avoid clouding the solution with the blanket of sustainability, but a switch to an electric vehicle delivery network, is a dramatic bonus for the environment, and one that is more devastating than you realise.

ONE MOTO HQ conducted a survey in April to understand the issues of the industry and the sustainable values of customers and indeed how much they would be prepared to pay additional for a sustainable delivery solution, click here to read the results.

ONE MOTO last-mile survey use dubai
SNAPSHOT of one moto survey leading to an industry wide positive solution

I’ll offer you some statistics on the harmful environmental impact petrol delivery motorcycles have to our environment:

  • 15,000 delivery bikes on the roads of Dubai each day.
  • Producing 42,000 tonnes of Co2 each year.
  • Killing 49,704 acres of forest each year.
  • That’s 202km2 (DXB airport to Jebel Ali)

As air pollution is humanities greatest killer, and twice as deadly as previously reported, shouldn’t we be addressing this a little more? The air quality in the UAE isn’t the best, but we can do something to help ourselves, without it costing us financially or in effort. 

There have been some very well written articles over the past three years about the delivery sector and what problems are faced, yet had no voice and no direct solution, until now.

Yes, indeed there will need to be an applied restructure to the industry and possibly the operations of stakeholders, yet we have been in a pivoting mindset for a couple of years, so it’ll be an easier task to solve and you’re not alone, we all have a place in this together.



Life of a delivery man – Gulf News

Life of a delivery rider Dubai – The Media Line

Delivery riders stage strike – Reuters

UAE rider claims the strikes aren’t helping – Caterer Middle East

One Moto drives a new wave of sustainability in Dubai Fri, 11 Mar 2022 09:24:33 +0000 Innovative electric vehicle startup becomes the first company in Dubai to pledge to measure and improve sustainability using FuturePlus.

FuturePlus is the revolutionary new tool for sustainability measurement and management.

ONE MOTO’s CEO will champion FuturePlus across Dubai and the UAE to support and encourage others.

Launched in the UAE, UK and India, One Moto designs and develops electric motorcycles, bikes, vehicles and scooters for inner-city commuters and the delivery community. The company’s CEO and FuturePlus champion, Adam Ridgway, has pledged to showcase ONE MOTO’s journey towards creating a more equitable and sustainable world.

The global ONE MOTO team are incredibly proud to announce the report (to date) that we positively impact 15 of the 17 UN SDGs.

Expanding into global markets, One Moto has been working closely with FuturePlus to clearly define its sustainability ambitions and turn them into positive actions that can be easily understood and shared with organisations across the UAE and beyond.

Mike Penrose, CoFounder of FuturePlus, said, “Helping One Moto in their mission to change the way people travel and goods are delivered is an amazing challenge for all of us at FuturePlus. Having spent years in cities where mopeds are the main form of transport, I have no doubt that the transport revolution One Moto is championing will have an enormous impact on reducing emissions and improving the health of millions. We are thrilled to be working with Adam, and his team at OneMoto as FuturePlus is the perfect tool for them to define, measure, manage and share their sustainability goals and achievements. ”

One Moto is fully supported by FuturePlus in mapping out its sustainability strategy and will measure and manage its ambitious goals across five sustainability themes: Environment, Climate, Social and Economic Impact and Diversity and Inclusion.

Adam Ridgway wants to share ONE MOTO’s progress against each of these themes with his investors, customers and supporters, and showcase how FuturePlus can empower every organisation, no matter how large or small, with an accessible, achievable, and affordable entry to understanding and communicating their sustainability goals.

Ridgway believes “an honest and transparent demonstration of what just one business can achieve is key to encouraging other organisations to play their part in securing a more sustainable future“.

For ONE MOTO, sustainability is an ongoing process that brings adaptability and resilience and improves profitability. Actively committed to ensuring their business ventures create positive social and environmental impact, the company is now inviting all organisations to join them on the FuturePlus platform.

A spokesperson for ONE MOTO wanted to share their progress so far, “Sustainability is a mindset and a journey, they all take one step and here’s ours honouring ONE PLEDGE:

Ridgway said, “Being invited to become a FuturePlus Champion in the Middle East is an incredible honour. I’ve been a sustainabilist for several years and trying to navigate ways of improving my impact on the environment, and people was a lonely journey. Over the years, I set a personal mandate “to bring change” in every aspect of my life, and I’ve been pioneering sustainable mobility with ONE MOTO, a brand built of five values and several audacious goals. Before taking the leap away from my ‘past life’ in the media, I asked myself a question, “do I want to be doing this for the next decade?” And as I was becoming a father for the first time, I decided I wanted to commit to my mandate and make a difference.

Ensuring our customers have accessibility to transport is a major factor in our growth map. We have several ESG and CSR initiatives scheduled to ensure we can commit to this in ‘income-weak’ territories. As part of our journey and one of our values of affordability, EVs are traditionally known for having a high-ticket price (justified by the tech investment required). Yet, we’ve foregone this to ensure our vehicles, brand, values, and the problems we address are affordable, aspirational, and achievable.

As of today, 90% of our business focus is driven to the commercial EV market with delivery motorcycles and vans, and the environmental impact petrol motorcycles have on the environment is staggering and overlooked by many. We actively share wisdom and encourage customers to make a choice, and it’s theirs to define if it’s the right one.”

For more information visit –


Multi-award winning EV manufacturer, producing the highest performing transport for the delivery and last-mile industry. ONE MOTO was born from a need to bring change, identifying three critical issues; Environment, Profitability of the industry and the safety and welfare of riders/drivers. As our vehicles are data-driven, they are considered a “smartphone on wheels”. ONE MOTO, a brand built on five core values; Sustainability, Experience, Affordability, Convenience and Technology.

We have a global vision to bring change, join our journey (don’t follow it):

LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Twitter


ONE Team |

About FuturePlus

FuturePlus is a revolutionary platform that allows any organisation, particularly SMEs, to understand, measure, manage and report their sustainability. We measure across five sustainability themes, Environment, Climate, Social and Economic Impact and Diversity and Inclusion. This simple tool provides a verified sustainability score showing your current standing and gives an ambition score based on where you want to be in three years. Our FuturePlus advisors provide ongoing support to help organisations meet their goals. A bespoke three-year sustainability roadmap is created wholly aligned with your business model. FuturePlus aims to make sustainability accessible, achievable and affordable for everyone.

Meet The Finalist of Dubai Startup Hub’s Smartpreneur Competition 6.0: One Moto Wed, 29 Dec 2021 06:04:19 +0000 “It’s not always easy to look at your business from the outside, when you’re so engrossed, but the Dubai Startup Hub team and advisors have been exceptional in giving me the insights on how to evaluate our business, its messaging, and market-fit.”

OneMoto is one of the top 10 startups pitching for prizes worth a total of AED150,000 at the finals of Dubai Startup Hub’s Smartpreneur Competition 6.0, which will be staged as part of Entrepreneur Middle East’s Enterprise Agility Forum 2022 at Expo 2020 Dubai on January 20, 2022. Register HERE to be a part of the event. 

Article: Entrepreneur Middle East

adam ridgway, ceo, one moto global

Back in 2016, Dubai-based serial entrepreneur Adam Ridgway recognized the potential of a global market boom in the last mile delivery sector, and then set out to design and build the world’s best electric vehicles that could play a vital role in this particular landscape. Today, he is the founder and CEO of One Moto, the MENA region’s first approved, data-driven and multi-award-winning electric vehicles manufacturer with a focus on the last mile sector, and a mission “to switch all delivery vehicles in the UAE electric by 2024”.

Now, with companies’ commitments to sustainable business practices grabbing headlines these days, it would be reasonable to expect that Ridgway faces few challenges in building his business. However, he explains that demonstrating how the last-mile operators can be both profitable and sustainable is a hurdle he is yet overcome. “There is still a discussion between a ‘want’ and a ‘need’ when it comes to sustainability,” he explains. “Although we are supporting the UAE’s governmental agenda of electric vehicles adoption and sustainable mobility, at the moment, there aren’t any real incentives to make the switch. It will happen, but in the meantime, the private sector is a focus for us.”

This answer provides more background about why the support of an entity like Dubai Startup Hub, the entrepreneurship arm of Dubai Chamber, is so crucial for visionary entrepreneurs like Ridgway. “We’ve had a tremendous relationship with the team at Dubai Startup Hub for the past couple of years- I feel they are all on this journey with us,” Ridgway says. “We won the Dubai Chamber Market Access program [an initiative that pairs leading companies and government entities in the UAE with startups that offer innovative solutions to address their key challenges] last year, which provided us with so many opportunities, and allowed us to expand into 21 territories this year alone.”

byka by ONE MOTO, the all electric delivery vehicle for the last-mile

As such, when Dubai Startup Hub opened the Smartpreneur Competition 6.0 to technology startups with solutions centered on the themes of opportunity, sustainability, and trade, Ridgway did not hesitate to apply, because his startup contributes to advancing all three areas. “Let me give you an example,” Ridgway says. “From one side, we know that air pollution is the greatest killer of humanity, because the 15,000 delivery motorcycles on the roads in Dubai produce enough carbon dioxide to kill 21,000 acres of forest each year. From the other side, I understand that fleet operators, delivery aggregators, and logistics companies aren’t always profitable, and that is why our One Moto fleet reduces operational expenditure by 74%, and guarantees a return on investment in five to seven months.”

Ridgway took it one step further by signing deals with two regional leasing providers to offer One Moto vehicles as leased assets, making it easier and cheaper for them to adopt more sustainability-centered business decisions.

With the theme of opportunity often being explained as helping individuals and communities to unleash their potential, Ridgway presents a well thought out proposition on how One Moto improves the wellbeing of delivery riders in order to help them create a better tomorrow for themselves. “If we know that they cover their own fuel costs, which are around AED650 per month and which reduce their salaries with each fuel price increase, and that their work pressure is enhanced due to a volume based bonus system and high working hours, it is clear how One Moto can help them,” Ridgway says. “Our data-driven vehicles can optimise routes, reduce work pressure, maintain delivery volumes, save money, and reduce accidents. Quite a substantial claim that we’ve proven many times.”

It seems that Ridgway is more than prepared to deliver a successful pitch at the finals of the Smartpreneur Competition 6.0, which will be staged as part of Entrepreneur Middle East’s Enterprise Agility Forum 2022 at Expo 2020 Dubai on January 20, 2022. “It’s potentially the largest and most prominent stage I’ll ever present on, to an unknown panel of peers and experts, and it can be a lonely isolating place on stage, I realize that,” he says. “Yet, I know my business, I believe in our vision, I can back up every statistic with facts, so the content doesn’t wobble me.” He credits the Dubai Startup Hub team for supporting him in this endeavor with encouragement and experience-led advice. “They gave me a fresh way of looking at the business,” he says. “It’s not always easy to look at your business from the outside, when you’re so engrossed, but the Dubai Startup Hub team and advisors have been exceptional in giving me the insights on how to evaluate our business, its messaging, and market-fit.”

Ridgway is also looking forward to 2022 with a lot of excitement, because One Moto is building the UAE’s first electric vehicles manufacturing facility. “It is a pioneering change that places the UAE on the world electric vehicles stage,” he says. “In 2021, our team has achieved 10x on sales and expanded 5x more than forecast, with an international sales pipeline, so our growth through dealerships is just one route that we’ll be harnessing. We have a global vision of all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals being achieved by 2028, and we support it with our presence in 100 cities, one million vehicles sold, and one billion tons of carbon dioxide eliminated, so this will be our longer term focus.”

For those aspiring to start up a business in Dubai, Ridgway advises to build their network first and foremost. “The UAE is built on relationships,” he says. “The culture has evolved on interactions, and your network is a crucial part of success in the region, so try to collaborate and invest in relationships. It’s an easy place to do business, but it is tricky to navigate at first, and starting any business will be far more expensive than you initially budgeted. Your network is everything, and once this is understood, along with the culture being respected, any nuances or complications can be overcome.”

‘TREP TALK: Tips for entrepreneurs from One Moto founder Adam Ridgway

1. Build your business on the traditions of growth “Grow through sales, do not rely on raising capital to start up, and make sure you maintain a very, very clear focus.”

2. Don’t be a ‘wantrepreneur’ “If you’ve got an idea for solving some problem, then go all in, take risks, deep dive into uncertainty, and embrace the mistakes, but try to make them as inexpensive as possible.”

3. Help others, and especially those who have helped you “No one owes you anything, nor do they respect ‘hope-based promises.’”

OneMoto is one of the top 10 startups pitching for prizes worth a total of AED150,000 at the finals of Dubai Startup Hub’s Smartpreneur Competition 6.0, which will be staged as part of Entrepreneur Middle East’s Enterprise Agility Forum 2022 at Expo 2020 Dubai on January 20, 2022. Register HERE to be a part of the event. 
